Which Antidepressant Could Be Right For Me Quiz 1. How often do you experience feelings of sadness or hopelessness? Rarely Sometimes Often 2. Have you noticed a significant change in your appetite (either increased or decreased) recently? No change in appetite Decrease in appetite Increase in appetite 3. How has your interest in activities you once enjoyed been lately? Still interested and engaged Somewhat less interested Lost interest completely 4. How has your energy level been lately? Plenty of energy Noticeably lower energy than usual Constantly fatigued and low on energy 5. What is your BMI? Over 25.0 Between 20.0-25.0 Under 20 6. How often do you experience excessive worry, anxious thoughts or panic attacks? None or occasional anxiety and excessive worrying, no panic attacks Frequent anxiety and excessive worrying, no panic attacks Excessive worrying with the occurrence of panic attacks 7. Have you been feeling worried or concerned about changes in your sexual function or desire from taking antidepressants? Not worried at all Somewhat worried Very worried 8. Have you been experiencing any unusual or atypical physical pains, such as burning, tingling, or stabbing sensations, for which there is no clear medical explanation? No unusual pains Some unusual pains Intense unusual pains 9. How has your sleep pattern been lately? Regular and restful sleep Occasional trouble falling asleep or staying asleep Consistent difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep 10. Is there a history of bipolar disorder in your immediate family members (parents or siblings)? No family history of bipolar disorder Family history, but not immediate family members Bipolar disorder diagnosed in immediate family members 11. Do you frequently experience dizziness, lightheadedness, or a feeling of almost fainting when you stand up quickly? Rarely or never Occasionally Frequently or consistently 12. What is your age? Under 18 18 to 69 70 and above 13. Do you often feel nervous or anxious in social situations, such as meeting new people, speaking in public, or attending social events? Rarely or never Occasionally Frequently or almost always 14. How often do you find it difficult to control impulsive or aggressive behavior? Rarely or never Occasionally Frequently or consistently 15. Do you frequently struggle with maintaining focus or concentrating on tasks, even when they're important or interesting to you? Rarely or never Occasionally Frequently or consistently 16. Have you ever taken an SSRI (Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor) before? Yes, with poor experience Yes, with good experience No 17. Do you experience drowsiness, feeling excessively sleepy, or tiredness more than usual? No, I don't experience drowsiness Yes, I experience drowsiness Yes, I experience significant drowsiness 18. How would you describe your blood pressure? Normal or no known problems with blood pressure Hypertension (too high blood pressure) Blood pressure frequently on the lower side 19. How would you describe your pulse frequency? Normal or no known problems with pulse frequency Too fast pulse (above 90 beats per minute) Too slow pulse (less than 60 beats per minute) 20. Have you noticed a significant change in your weight (either increased or decreased) recently? No change in weight Decrease in weight Increase in weight